Silicon Valley: It’s GREAT

I’ve recently started watching Silicon Valley, and I was both relieved and happily surprised at how much I love it. I knew it was a comedy before I pressed play on Season One’s premiere, but I didn’t expect it to be so dark and weird. I know dark and weird doesn’t sound like fun, but trust me it is.

The show consists of 6 main guys, all of whom (except for Erlich Bachman) are tech geniuses and one of who accidentally creates an ingenious program called Pied Piper. Each character is hilariously awkward in their own way.

Richard Hendricks, (Thomas Middleditch), is the main character and I’ve cried tears of laughter watching him try to talk to people through his anxiety and social awkwardness. I feel like I can connect with his character, as I feel like usually I am pretty socially awkward my self.

Each one of them is divine but I’d have to say Donald (Jared) Dunn is my absolute favorite. He’s sweet, funny, sad and dark all at the same time. Though he acts as Richards sidekick, I find he steals the show with his witty comebacks and with his good nature. He’s always doing the right thing, so much so that sometimes his friends feel they must hide it when they do bad things. The way his character delivers tiny little tidbits of his childhood and past is perfect because it doesn’t go too deep. He tells it in a way that makes you laugh. It’s because he’s so stoic and nonchalant, meanwhile what he’s actually saying is messed up.

I actually started watching this show after I read in the news that TJ Miller (Erlich Bachman on the show) was leaving, and everybody was mad as hell about it. I had never seen this comedian before in anything so I was pretty shocked at how funny he was in Season 1 (which is all I can speak for because I just finished the last episode and haven’t started Season 2 yet.)

Before I started watching the glory that is Silicon Valley, I definitely thought that people were overreacting. From what I could tell of the show (from the IMDb page and random Gifs I saw on the internet) he wasn’t even the main character and he looked goofy as hell. BOY WAS I WRONG. This dude cracks me up every single time he opens his mouth. He’s super rude, highly insensitive and swears through every sentence but that’s what makes everything he says so hysterical.

If you’ve never watched it yet, but you really love watching comedy then Silicon Valley is 100% a must see for you.

Comment below if you have a favorite character and who it is 🙂


-Jazzy Jazz

Something I Think We Should Talk About

I realized something the other day when I saw an article written about The Handmaid’s Tale, a lot of the shows I’ve been interested in lately have one theme in common: Women fighting for ownership of their bodies. It’s a heavy subject that not everybody is ready to take on, but that’s too bad for them because we need to have a discussion about it.

If you’re a woman the struggle is real when it comes to what you can or cannot do with your own body, or what others think they have the authority to do with it. I think Abortion is a touchy subject for everybody whether you are pro or against, but I have always thought it is the woman’s choice. I definitely am not saying I think women should be getting late abortions, because that I do not agree with at all. But I do think that if a woman finds out early enough and is not ready to be a mother (or she became pregnant unwillingly) she should be able to make the choice for herself.

I’ve always felt so lucky to be Canadian because we have it so good when it comes to rights and being able to live the “free” life. We aren’t being forced into wars, we can wear what we want and we can speak freely. But that doesn’t mean that we still don’t have to deal with a lot of bullsh*t when it comes to our bodies. Sexual and physical abuse exists in every country, in every corner of the world. It happens to both women and men and it needs to stop. We’re stripped of making a choice about what we want to do with our own bodies by vicious people who don’t understand what NO means.

Because I love writing poetry as well as blog posts, I wrote a poem based on an experience one of my friends had. THANKFULLY she got away from the situation before the worst case scenario happened. But I thought it would be important to share because this is a topic that needs to be discussed.


Well I’m sorry that I’m stupid for trusting you so blindly

You started to touch me and I tried to say no politely

But you forced yourself up on me so carelessly like you do this nightly

How did you grow up to think that it’s all fun and games to humiliate me?


You knew I was uncomfortable when I pushed away your filthy creepy hands

Yet you forced me onto your bed and said “you like it” as if it were a command

Why does forcing yourself onto girls make you feel like a man?

Did you think I would just lie down and take it, was that your plan?


I don’t think it’s fair that now I’m scared every time I’m walking home

But I’m sure you think it’s crazy that now I never wanna be alone

I bet you’ll blame it on my gender yeah you’ll blame it on my hormones

I only hung out with you once so why do I choke every time I smell your cologne?


Didn’t you have anyone to teach you how to treat another human?

Why do I have to constantly be wary of men, why am I the one left feeling stupid?

Why do I make excuses for what happened and write it off as my confusion?

Say maybe I’m remembering it wrong, maybe you whispering “don’t worry I’ll be fast” was just my confusion


Will you brag about it? Tell all your friends how you scored?

Or will you lie and say “she wanted me, but I couldn’t be bothered with that whore”

Why did you give me such a hard time, is this what you do when you’re bored?

Thank you for giving me the chance to run when you reached into your bed stand drawer


If you’ve ever been harassed, abused or manhandled then you know what it feels like to be scared of not having control over what happens to your own body.

Feel free to comment your thoughts on this post, all are welcome 🙂


Jazzy Jazz

Let’s Pretend We’re Strangers

I love Wynonna Earp so much more than I did before the latest episode.

I was already really into this show and loving every episode of Season 2, but after watching “Let’s Pretend We’re Strangers” it is officially my absolute favorite show airing right now. I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to be a woman and watch writers on a show you’re watching make a female lead character pregnant and then throw the character’s personality right out the window (like when Alias’ Sydney Bristow got pregnant and stopped being the bad-ass agent we loved and ended up sitting around being lame all day). But Emily Andras (Wynonna Earp writer) isn’t doing that with our crazy, snarky, fun and hardcore heroine Wynonna. Instead she is keeping the main characters amazing charm and I am confident Wynonna will remain our #womangoals baby bump and all.

Every woman who has been pregnant knows how annoying and intrusive it is when people are constantly telling you what you can/can’t do, how you should act, what you should say and what you should not say. Now, I’ve never been pregnant myself but I have watched friends and family go through the motions and I can tell you that just because they have a tiny human growing inside of them, it doesn’t mean that they’re going to stop being who they are. Being pregnant doesn’t make you a wimp or change your personality at all (you know minus the hormone changes later on when you flash from happy to angry to sad really freaking quickly) and most of my friends still enjoyed doing the things that they loved. I’m not saying that you should be guzzling down liquor and hacking back cigarettes or pill popping, I’m just saying that women don’t become boring when they find out they’re pregnant. They still do whatever they want, they just do it carefully.

Wynonna has always been someone we could count on for not giving any f*cks and being herself unapologetically. I am so happy that we get to watch her and how she’ll deal with growing a little person all the while kicking demon butt and whatever other supernatural creatures come her way. Also have you ever had an actual conversation with a cranky pregnant lady? They can totally kick ass, and are ready to if any random stranger even tries to touch their big belly with their smoky hands (why do strangers always want to touch pregnant bellies? #creepy)

I am happy that the show has Emily Andras to rescue any scenario that comes her way and to do it in a way she knows her fans will love. Even though Melanie Scrofano was worried to tell the crew about her pregnancy, I’m positive it will be one of the best things to happen to the show.

It will definitely be exciting to watch how Waverly, Doc and Dolls (oh my God) react and the support that they (I’m sure) will show Wynonna.

I can’t wait to see how our crazy woman handles the news on the next episode; Whiskey Lullaby (which airs this Friday the 14th at 10:00 on SYFY)


  • Jazzy Jazz

What To Watch During “One Of Those Days”

You know when sometimes you’re just having the WORST day even though there is nothing (ABSOLUTELY NOTHING) going on? You just want to cry every 5 seconds and that’s when every single person you see decides they should ask you “ARE YOU OKAY?” which is the worst question in the world. Maybe you didn’t sleep well or maybe it’s just been too long since the last time you cried, maybe your hormones are unbalanced I DON’T KNOW YOU.

Whatever it is you don’t even realize that something is going on until you are at work or around people. Well today Jazzy Jazz isn’t feeling so jazzy, she’s actually feeling like a psycho because she is having one of those days. BUT it reminded me of the shows that I love watching when I’m having days like these. The following are the TV shows that make me feel better when I’m feeling like a crazy person.



This will always be my #1 show to turn to when I’m having a crappy day because every episode is funny and can always force a laugh out of me even when it feels like the world is ending. Barney is my favorite because he’s just so… Barney (you know?)

Watching HIMYM reminds me of some of the things my friends and I have done or things that have happened to us when we’d be dating and those memories will forever crack me up. It’s such a feel good show that anyone could watch which is one of the best things about it. Watching Lilypad and Marshmallow be the cute goofy weird couple that everybody loves feels like a giant bear hug when I’m not feeling my 100% self. 

There are so many awesome episodes it’s hard to pick which one is my favorite, but I LOVE every Intervention episode, those kill me.

How I Met Your Mother is one of those shows that makes you feel like you’ve got a bunch of personalities because let’s get real sometimes we can be Barney, Robin, Marshall, Lily and Ted all in just one week. We’ve been Barney during times when our BFF’S call someone ELSE their BEST FRIEND (SO not cool). Some days we’re hopeless romantic Ted getting tired of waiting for “The One” to come along even though he didn’t really have to look too far did he? We’ve all experienced being Lily and feeling like we missed our chance to follow our dreams. We’ve been goofy and loving Marshall and then there’s Robin. We’ve all been confused Robin before, always not knowing what she wants whether it’s about love interests or kids or basically anything aside from her career. 

The minute I put it on all of the weirdness of a bad day just drifts away almost instantly.

 The Office


Jim and Pam. JIM AND PAM. I can’t even control the giddy love sick 15 year old version of myself that bursts out of my soul every time I’m watching a cute scene between these two adorable love puppy’s. It’s actually quite sickening to witness I’ll tell you that much. The Office makes bad days good days by being the comical genius that it is.

Michael’s constant need for approval from everyone is both sad and funny at the same time (but mostly funny). Dwight is HILARIOUS I get cramps from laughing at his interactions with Jim, I actually LOVE how much he hates him. It’s the funniest relationship pranks and all and it is probably the 2nd best thing about the show. The 1st obviously being JIM AND PAM because they’re the cutest and I LOVE THEM. The 3rd best thing is how much Michael hates Toby, poor poor lonely Toby. And what makes it worse (but also better) is how much he loves Pam even though she has a fiance AND she’s falling for Jimbo.

Obviously I love Kelly because Mindy Kaling is the bomb, although something about Ryan has always annoyed me. I think he’s the only character in the show that I never liked. Oh and Angela… but does anybody actually like Angela? Whenever Phyllis or Kevin say literally anything my heart fills up with joy, they’re the cutest and so weird that I find it impossible not to love them. Oh I forgot one more character I hate… Roy, F*ck Roy. He’s a D to Pam while they’re together and he is in the way of #JAM (#PIM?) happening sooner. 

 Wynonna Earp


Do I even need to explain why this show is the best? Wynonna is the female version of Dean (Winchester duh) and her sister Waverly is the female Sam but a gayer prettier cuter BETTER version. Every time I’m having a bad day I just re watch a few episodes of Season 1 and EVERYTHING is okay once again.

Wynonna makes the best jokes and has the best comebacks that even Doc and Dolls don’t stand a chance against her wit. It’s a new show but you can feel the chemistry between the actors and their characters which makes it easier to lose yourself in. This show is one of the best for making you forget whatever it was you were upset about before pressing play (if there even was a reason). The relationship between Dolls and Wynonna is my FAVORITE and I always scream on the inside when Dolls flirts back at Wynonna (BACK because she ALWAYS flirts with him which usually gets ignored).



Now obviously I had to add Friends to this list, because EVERYBODY has seen it and loves it. My favorite character hands down is Joey, because Joey is always 100% unapologetic-ally himself. He’s funny, childish, kind of vain, air headed but oh so lovable. Everybody knows someone like a class clown that they love/hate and that is definitely Joey (except all I have for that man is love). Joey is constantly cracking the best jokes that always brighten my mood. I feel like he’s the embodiment of happy, they should just put his name under the definition of it.

Most days I think I’m probably 75% Rachel, 15% Phoebe, 5% Ross and 5% Chandler. I’m almost never any percent Monica because Imea I wouldn’t say I’m the worst at cooking but I’m certainly not the best. Plus I am not as mature as her and I am definitely not the Mom in any of my friends groups because TO BE HONEST that is way too much stress and work for my life. Every episode is so light hearted and funny that it’s probably the best to watch when you feel like everything sucks JUST BECAUSE (my family hates when I give that answer).

Hope I kept you entertained for a few minutes, even writing about these shows made me feel better.

Hope you can use this next time you’re having one of those days 🙂

-Jazzy Jazz

Orphan Black’s Tatiana Maslany

Tatiana Maslany….

What has not been said about the amazing performances she has given us time and time again on Orphan Black?

She’s all the rave right now and rightfully so. How does one actually play 5 (there’s more, but 5 MAIN) different characters and 5 different personalities on a day to day basis?

How has she not lost her mind yet?

Can you imagine playing one person for a few hours and then having to switch up to play a whole different person and then again and again and again? Just picture this: You’re in the zone. You have the accent down, the mannerisms, the attitude and even a certain style of walk, and then you have to create a whole new person with different everything 4 times and play those people without faltering.

That’s INSANE. How has she not given herself Dissociative Identity Disorder?

I mean I know there are some amazing actors and actresses out there; Anne Hathaway, Robert De Niro, Julia Roberts, Tom Hanks, Daniel Day Lewis (can you believe he’s retiring??) and Meryl Streep to name a few.

But (in my opinion) nobody beats Maslany. She is officially my favorite actress/person in the world because I don’t think there is anybody who puts that much heart and effort into the character(s) that they play. Hell is there anyone out there who puts that much heart and effort into anything?

We’ve met so many different people but all in one extraordinary woman’s body and I am so thankful that I was introduced to this show because it has changed me.

Now when I say that .. please don’t think I’m one of those people who says that about every show (even though there is NOTHING wrong with them) I don’t mean that Orphan Black changed me (even though IT IS high on my top 5 favorite shows list), but Tatiana’s performance on it did.

Maslany taught me that you shouldn’t just drift through work, you gotta have a passion for it and you have to work hard. You should be doing something that makes it easy to love so that it’s possible for you to give it your all selflessly.

Through her roles she inspired me to always try to be better than I was the day before.

Work harder, learn more and evolve quicker.

She did that all by acting in the “little Canadian show” that ended up being so complex and intriguing that it surpassed everyone’s expectations. She was born to play these roles, and she will continue to play amazing roles in the future now that (sadly) Orphan Black is coming to an end.

I know so far I’ve given 100% of the credit to Maslany, but there is one person that I don’t think is ever mentioned enough: Kathryn Alexandre. She’s the woman’s face you never see, but who helps Tatiana make the show what it is. She is the stunt double for #CloneClub. She’s beautiful and talented and Tatiana would not be able to give us the amazing performances if it wasn’t for the wonderful Alexandre.

And then there’s Donnie (Kristian Bruun), Felix (Jordan Gavaris), Mrs. S (Maria Doyle Kennedy) and of course Detective Art (Kevin Hanchard).

Oh yeah and I guess I shouldn’t forget the creatively intelligent writers who are the only reason the show even became a thing; John Fawcett & Graeme Manson. Those two are geniuses to the core and they have given us one of the best series of our time. I can’t wait to see their next brilliant creation.


-Jazzy Jazz